2020 City Elections

AUGUST 25, 2020


MAY 25TH - Last day a person can become a resident in order to become a candidate.

JULY 7 - Candidates may begin Qualifying for Mayor or Council at City Hall until 5pm

JULY 21 - Last day, by 5pm, to qualify to run for Municipal Office

JULY 26 - Last day to establish residency to vote  in the municipal election

JULY 28  - Absentee Ballots available

AUGUST 10 - Last day to register for municipal general election

AUGUST 20 - Last day to apply for Regular Absentee Ballot

AUGUST 24 - Last day to apply for Emergency Absentee Ballot, voter to hand-deliver absentee ballot, and if returned via mail -must be postmarked by 8/24 and be received by 12pm on 8/25.


Election Results will be open in the Council Chambers after the polls close & on YouTube

OCTOBER 6 - Run-Off Election

NOVEMBER 2, 2020 - Newly Elected Officials take office & Council meets for Organizational Session


Helpful Links: 

Register to Vote by August 10!

Voter Registration Link
Monroe County Board of Registrars
65 N. Alabama Ave.
Monroeville, Alabama 36460
251-743-4107 x 141
Voter Registration Form PDF

Duties of the Mayor & Council

Download an article from the Alabama League of Municipalities about understanding the duties of the Mayor and Council of a municipality.
Duties of the Mayor and Council PDF

Political Signs

Political signs are defined as a temporary sign used in connection with a local, state, or national election or referendum. Campaign signs may be placed on private property.
Political signs may not be placed on rights-of-way, or on trees, utility poles, fences, fire escapes, elevated water storage tanks, or traffic signs, nor placed on any public property, and may not be illuminated.   
 Any political sign placed in a public right-of-way may be removed by the City and the candidate billed for each sign removal. 
 Political signs shall be mounted no higher than 4 feet above ground level and be less than 9 square feet in area in all residential districts and 24 square feet in all other districts. 
It shall be the responsibility of the candidate’s sponsor and the private property owners to place political signs in conformance with this requirement and erect and remove them in a timely manner. 
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